STMS Cat C NP workshop - US 31962

This workshop provides base knowledge for working on category C roads (multi-lane roads 70km/h or more).


This workshop provides base knowledge for working on category C roads (multi-lane roads 70km/h or more).

Topics include:

  • Risk management     
  • Layout distances tables        
  • TTM equipment         
  • Positioning of signs   
  • Tapers
  • Managing traffic on lanes and shoulders     
  • Night works   
  • Installation procedures         
  • Mobile operations     
  • Semi-static closure.

Next steps

For those who need to be practising as an on-site STMS Cat C there is additional mentoring (verified sites) and a practical assessment.

It is recommended that participants hold STMS Cat C NP before completing STMS Cat C verified sites and practising assessment. 

Note: The knowledge and skills covered in STMS Cat C NP are not repeated again in STMS Cat C verified sites and practising assessment.


It is recommended that participants hold the following qualification before completing the STMS Cat C NP workshop: 

  • STMS universal warrant or unit standard 31961: Explain the requirements for the worksite under temporary traffic management.

A L1 or L2/3 STMS may have the necessary knowledge and skills to attend the workshop without holding STMS U NP qualification.

Critical skills and knowledge in the STMS Universal workshop include:

  • Common TTM guidance
  • STMS role, responsibilities and process
  • Risk assessment
  • Reviewing and implementing TMPs
  • Traffic counts
  • Layout dimensions
  • Worksite briefings
  • Worksite checks and the on-site record
  • Temporary speed limits.

What's included in the fee for the workshop

The following is included in the workshop fee:

  • Morning or afternoon tea, and Lunch 
  • Workshop resources 
  • Fee for assessing and awarding the unit standard.

Who it is for

Any person wishing to work on category C roads as an onsite STMS.

This is helpful knowledge for any person who is intending to be:

  • Traffic Operations Manager
  • TTM Mentor
  • TTM Assessor
  • TTM Trainer
  • TTM Planner
  • TMP Approver
  • TTM Auditor
  • Traffic Management Coordinator
  • Corridor Manager.


There is a unit standard which is completed during this workshop – US 31962: Explain the requirements for the worksite under temporary traffic management for a road environment as defined in CoPTTM. 

Once the unit standard has been awarded for a category of road, it is not awarded again for other categories of road at that level of training.  Participants will be required to complete relevant parts of the assessment relating to the category of road covered on the workshop. 

The participant's National Student Number (NSN) is required for the unit standard to be awarded. Contact us if you have any problems finding this.